

Mes petits loups!

I wish you a wonderful beginning of week! I’m already in a rush and yet the week is just starting... I have lots of surprise in store for you! Some craziness, some love, some happiness all week long and while you’re waiting here is my little «beauty» video from Cannes. It was 36 amazing hours and it was hard to make it last only 2 minutes but after 2 hours of watching the rushes I made it! I hope you’ll like it... 



I have to say that this red carpet experience was, as you can imagine, completely crazy! I remember last year when I was doing a wish list of my «dream» outfit for Cannes and one reader commented that next year it’d be my turn... When I think about it I must have answered «Yeaah suure!» and it really is mad this hurly-burly of happiness, I feel so lucky... I knock on the wood again and again...

 By the way I have to tell you that when you’re about to go on the red carpet, the stairs look much smaller then what we imagine, I’m trying to put things into perspective here... And also when I was about to take those stairs, I literally forgot how to do to take the stairs, a furious need to run back to my hotel room and grab my derbies seized me as I was so sure that I’d fall on the red carpet... I was red, stressed and focused and everything went well, and once I was at the top of the glamour, I turn back, I instagram from the verb to instagram and suddenly a young girl comes close, I feel like she’s going to tell me to put my phone away, and she says «I have to tell you: I love your blog!» - Slap of happiness - I’m about to hug her, Remy my love, gestures that we have to go in, we wouldn’t want to miss the film. When we are sited he tells me «Do you realize ?» and me to answer «Let’s knock on the wood... Knock on the wood...» THANK YOU Dior for hosting us like we were prince and princess and THANK YOU again to everyone for your love... Speaking of which I talk about LOVE tomorrow!

 PS: we watched Blood Ties, a film by Guillaume Canet, awesome... Challenge met! And I hope you recognize CLIVE OWEN at the end of my video Cliiiiiiive !




10 juin, 2013