Happy New Year my little chestnuts !
I allowed myself one more day to recover from my atomic new year’s eve… But I’ve heard that you can wish people happy new year until the end of January so no rush…
There we are, I wish you, in no particular order, love (of course), but also health (we don’t think about it when everything is fine but is is incredibly important), work (a lot of work), creativity (especially), trips (lots) and encounters (inspiring)… Wonderful Year 2014 to all…
I’d like to use this post to talk to you about the news in 2014. I’m not going to tell you everything but there will be new things, nothing radically different but little tools and other goodies not to waste a single drop of your lemonade…
Workshops: nothing revolutionary but I’m talking about them because I receive emails everyday - literally - about them. Workshops are organized every months and there will be top people… 10 tickets are available and no more. I do not want to sell them in advance because the organisation and other partnerships aren’t always definitely decided months in advance. And it gives me the occasion to give you a rendez-vous here every months. Besides if you’ve subscribed to the newsletter I will tell you the day and time there (I’ll talk about the newsletter in a few lines).
Comments and the Golden Lemon. Aaahhh the golden Lemon, but what is this thing now ?
Okay first of all comments, they are like my biggest frustration of the blog, I’d like to answer to everyone of you so much… But you have to know that I read absolutely all of them and if I had to answer each one it would take me all day and I almost wouldn’t do anything else, so my resolution is easy, and you’ll be the first ones to see its impact, I will answer you as soon as you ask me something like « what is the brand of you nail polish? », « how should we wash this embroidered sweatshirt? » etc… You can count on me, it will be done. But for 2014 I wanted to make a little something for you, that I put in place with the help of a HTLM-code-virtuoso (thank you again Julien): the Golden Lemon, to show you that I’m here and reading you all. The golden lemon will be attributed to the best comment, the funniest, the coolest, the most inspiring, the most touching comment of the article (one by article). Because I know that you are spicy, sparkling and chatty, I want this blog to be a sharing space where you can express yourselves. So the choice of this comment will be completely arbitrary… And it will not mean that the other ones are bad, it will simply be a little something, a crush between you and me, don’t see anything more into it… Just a little bonus…
Facebook contest: I read several times that you think I don’t do enough contest on the bog… It is true but it’s a choice, I don’t want to change my editorial line to talk to you about a product more than about another one… So I’m not saying I will NEVER EVER have contest here… But I’m currently putting in place two contests each months on my facebook page, with nice brands, set and photographed at the lemon sauce… Because you are almost 20 000 fans, you crazy !!! And I think it is important to thank you by giving you present regularly and to me facebook is only a bonus and it’s an occasion to post exclusive contents…
And the Newsletter: it will be launched this year starting in February (finally! It took me some time) but I was alone to do everything until now… But this is it, Make my lemonade is spreading and when we are two we can now call it a team I think! So in the newsletter you’ll find the day and time of the release of the tickets for the workshop, and I will also announce the partners for the Facebook contest, and a little news about the DIY that you’d have liked the previous month!
I will leave you to it, sweet kisses, I have some work to do as you may see! I wish you the best, really, and I talk to you about my new year resolutions in the next article! Love you my adorable followers… Lisa banana